Unity pc build what does compression method mean
Unity pc build what does compression method mean

unity pc build what does compression method mean

Public partial class BuildPlayerWindow : EditorWindow Using RequiredByNativeCodeAttribute = UnityEngine. In large files, this can result in significant space savings.// Copyright (c) Unity Technologies. These values are stored instead of the original data. RLE looks for the runs of each data, and records what the data is and how many times in succession it occurs. The data for this is 00 00 00 11 11 11 11 00 00 00, which is ten data values of two characters each, giving 20 characters in total. These runs are stored as one item of data, instead of many.

unity pc build what does compression method mean

RLE looks at the data in a file for consecutive runs of the same data. One method of lossless compression is run length encoding (RLE). PDF allows lossless compression of text documents.However, lossless compression does not usually achieve the same file size reduction as lossy compression. With lossless compression, files are reduced in size without the loss of data. There are some files that we would not want to lose data from. MP3 is a lossy format for audio, including music.the MPEG file format compresses audio and video, making it more suitable for streaming media.the JPEG file format works on this principle, which is why JPEG files tend to be smaller in size.Similarly, an audio file can be compressed by reducing the bit depth of the samples. This would produce no noticeable loss of quality, but would reduce the file size. If done carefully, this is not likely to significantly damage the quality of the image.įor sound, lossy compression may remove sounds outside the human range of hearing that were nevertheless picked up during recording. For example, a very light shade of green could be averaged with a not so light shade - the very light shade might be discarded, and the pixels affected by it re-coloured with the darker shade. In practice, this results in an averaging of shades of colours. This reduces the range of colours that the image contains. With lossy compression, some data is removed and discarded, thereby reducing the overall amount of data and the size of the file.Īn image can be compressed by reducing its colour depth. Download Transcript Download Transcript Lossy compression

Unity pc build what does compression method mean