Firefox flash plugin crash fix
Firefox flash plugin crash fix

Now we are very much depended on firefox and I think we had to step forward and report this! We never had any trouble befor, but since that last version/build, and this version is crashing! We are also doing it to make sure Firefox gets a better product, and I dont know if anyone else would step forward and report a bug like us! But because we care for Firefox, therefore we came to report this bug! Now our question is why its not running correctly and crashing all the time! It freezez and goes BLANK (White Screen)! And nothing happens after that! We have to close it from the Task Manager by simply killing the Process. We are not sure if this happends because of Installing the flash, or something is wrong with the version! Yet I can say that we only INSTALL flash player on it for videos, and thats the only plugin/addon we use. But it only happens when we type a url in the browser. The reason we decided to report this is because we have had issues for the past couple of weeks with firefox! It starts simply Crashing and go in BLANK white page. The best out there, but lately we are facing problems with crashes and blank screens. Hi everyone here on firefox! First of all thank you for the amazing product, we have a shopts that runs on FIREFOX and we never had troubles, untill a few weeks ago.

firefox flash plugin crash fix

Firefox Crashing after typing the URL and Clicking ENTER

Firefox flash plugin crash fix